Healthy Tips

Motion Is Lotion

Motion Is Lotion

“Motion is Lotion” is a direct quote from an orthopedic surgeon.  It’s as simple as that, he said, movement will increase the lubricating fluid (synovial fluid) that transports nutrients to the joint cartilage which is essential to keep them healthy. Ok, sounds simple so why don’t most of us do it?   I’m a personal trainer,…

Recommended Blood Tests to understand Your Weight Loss Challenges

Recommended Blood Tests to understand Your Weight Loss Challenges

Are you trying to lose weight and just can’t?   It could be something besides your nutrition and exercise.   My first recommendation to clients that just can’t seem to lose weight is to talk with their doctor.  It isn’t all about calories in vs calories out any more.   Especially for women, if your hormones are out…

Ditch those Sugary Drinks

Ditch those Sugary Drinks

This week I challenge you to ditch those sugary drinks!   Not only are they empty calories they are loaded with sugar. Just one drink and you’re over your daily sugar limit. Reminder; Men you should try to only get 9 teaspoons (36 grams) and women only 6 teaspoons (24 grams) per day. You do the math on sugary drinks; one…