Healthy Tips
Meet Hidden Meadows Personal Trainer Amy Van Liew
By Debra Lee Baldwin, August 2015 Five weeks ago, as I drove the roller coaster that is Lotus Pond Lane (arguably Hidden Meadows’ most up-and-down road), I hoped that finding a competent and affordable personal trainer a mere five minutes from home wasn’t too much to hope for. I recalled the humiliation of going to…
Mindful Eating
It’s about 11:30 AM and I am sitting in front of the computer, getting a lot accomplished on a project that I am working on, when I am stirred from my computer induced trance by the grumbling of my stomach. Oh shoot, I am hungry. If I don’t eat soon I will get tired and…
Why do my muscles cramp during exercise (or at other times)?
Several of my clients and students have complained about muscle cramps during certain exercise, at night while sleeping or while doing day to day activities. I am lucky in that I rarely get them but it sent me digging into how I might be able to help. What causes a muscle cramp? The best description…
No Pain, No Gain?
We’ve all heard the adage “no pain, no gain,” but is it really true? Unfortunately the answer is YES and NO. It just depends on the type of pain you are feeling. When you stretch and challenge your muscles by trying a new exercise class or doing something you haven’t done in a while, like…
Spring Cleaning for us Women Over 50!
I love Spring Time! The Mountain Lilac burst and our hills come alive in an amazing shade of purple. The Gazania on our hills smile and open wide in the spring sun. It’s a time of renewal, to get a fresh start and the perfect time for spring cleaning! If you are a women over…
The 3 Things I worried about when giving up alcohol in January
2016 will be another year of experimenting with food, exercise and self-care in order to tear down MY roadblocks to better health My First Experiment in 2016 was to abstain from all ALCOHOL in the month of January. “Dry January” is very popular, in fact there is a webpage from the UK called I…
Women Over 50, You MUST DO THIS 1 THING!
The one thing I am begging women over 50 to do is EXERCISE!!! As a personal trainer and fitness coach I have seen what happens if you don’t keep moving your body. You gain weight, your body may ache more, you may lose muscle mass and/or bone density and worse yet you might not be…
The Sunscreen Debate – Chemical vs. Mineral
The Sunscreen Debate – Chemical vs. Mineral It’s summer and although you should wear sunscreen all year round to keep your over 50 skin from looking older than it should, with the heat you typically have more skin exposed. This sparked a conversation about sunscreen in my Aqua Fitness class last week. There is a…
Two Simple Strategies to Look and Feel Fabulous Over 50
“I work out and eat right so why do I still have this layer of fat around my stomach?” “What is up with this sagging under my arms – I’ve been exercising?” “I really watch what I eat so why are my pants getting tighter?” As a health and fitness coach, I get these types…
What’s Your Excuse for NOT Strength Training over 50?
As a personal trainer and fitness instructor, I’ve heard almost every excuse why people aren’t exercising and even more why they can’t lift weights. However, unless you have a note from your doctor, the benefits are so great ANY excuse not to lift weights or strength train can be easily busted! The benefits of strength…