Black Friday Deals to help you BE HEALTHY ENOUGH this year.

Black Friday is the perfect time to grab a deal on some of my favorite things to help you Be Healthy Enough all year. Here is a list of the ones I found for us women of a certain age!

Give the gift of fitness

Know someone who would love a membership to the Be Healthy Enough Digital Fitness Studio? I have gift cards!


weighted vest

To get your body to build bone mass you have to give them a load. How to do this? Strength Training – but what if you can’t lift heavy weights due to shoulder, elbow or wrist issues? You can add impact to your workouts by doing heal drop or jumping but what if that hurts you knees or feet?

The next way to add more load to your bones is to increase your weight against the earth. No, I don’t want you to gain weight, just add a weighted vest. I have low bone density and am taking medication for my breast cancer that affects my bones so I’m doing all I can and just bought this weighted vest. Try one and let me know if you like it.

Build that muscle mass!

AmazonBasics Neoprene Dumbbell Weight Set

Strength Training is priority #1 when we’re over 50 and YES, you need to be picking up those weights. In the link below you can find the set you need. Just starting out? Choose the smaller set. Its so important to progress slowly so you don’t hurt yourself

I love that it comes with it’s own weight stand so you can keep your exercise space nice and tidy.

Check out more ways to maximize your online workouts HERE

Measure that muscle mass !


I was sent this scale to try and if I liked it to recommend it to my following. I LOVE IT. It’s less expensive than the one I already had and just as accurate.

The setup is really easy too and the app is simple to use and navigate through.

Here is a video on You tube that describes it a bit more. The BEST Scale For Women Over 50

Use the code BEHEALTHYENOUGH for 20% off. Or I think the Black Friday Deal might be better. NOTE the place to enter this discount code isn’t until the checkout page.

Relieve those sore muscles

foam roller 1

Foam rolling your connective tissue is an amazing way to address chronic pain and something I am now doing for myself, for clients and group classes.   The bad news is that Foam rollers are not all the same.  Some were too hard and hurt way too much, even caused bruising for one client.   One was so soft it just squished down instead of rolling.   The OPTP PRO-ROLLER™ Soft is just right.    If you have any issues in your low back, knees, neck, shoulders or hips I recommend getting a good foam roller such as this one and roll away your pain.

Make sure to use this link because you might get confused with different sizes and firmness. There are a bunch out there to choose from

If you’d like more information on the benefits of foam rolling you can check out my YouTube Video HERE or my blog post HERE

Relieve those sore muscles

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We just got back from a trip to Europe and this saved our aching backs and knees.

Almost every morning I put first the MUJO Chronic Tonic Muscle & Joint Pain Relief Cream then the MUJO Extra Oomph Muscle & Joint Pain Relief Roll-On on my husbands back and it really helped alleviate some pain and stiffness.

Towards the end of the trip I started using it on my right knee – we were averaging 15K steps a day and my knees really felt better. Here’s a video I did our last day in Rome. How I used my MUJO

The company was kind enough to give me a code for 20% OFF! Use the code behealthy and if you give it a try and please let me know how it works for you.

Skincare for Mature Skin

sole toscana 1

Ok I’ve found another skin care line I love! All the way from Italy, Sole Toscana is focused on us women of a certain age to help out skin feel amazing.

Sole Toscana is for all women who want to embrace their natural beauty with the freshest, most exquisite organic skincare.

I have been using the skin hydrating mask for a few weeks now and love it. It’s my time to pamper myself and take a little break. They gave me a 20% discount if you use the link below. Discount applied at checkout. And they are having some great sales.

Check them out here. If you do order using the link below I get an affiliate bonus.

Sleep like a dog!

Black Friday Deal on CBD Gummies

Do you have trouble sleeping? Although there are still some days I struggle, I found a product that’s really helping! Joy Organics CBD Gummies! (No we did not give Whiskey, my dog in the background, a gummy!!)

I have been wanting to try CBD but there were so many products out there and I couldn’t trust if they had what they claimed so I did my research and found this company.

My husband and I have been using these for over a year and really notice a difference. AND they’re having a Black Friday Sale – 30% off.

Indoor bikes are great!

Black Friday Deal on Fitness equipment

There are days when you can’t get out and walk or your knees are achy or your feet or…you pick. That’s why I love having an exercise bike. Here is a great black Friday deals on exercise equipment.

The one I have is 26% off! It’s a great deal for a simple, easy to use and move around indoor bike.

The next one is 33% off (save $400). It’s much more expensive than the one I have but it looks to have a lot more functionality.

If you’d like to try my online bike workouts check them out HERE

What gets measured, gets improved!

black friday deal on fitness equipment

What gets measured gets improved and I LOVE my Fitbit.

I upgraded from a Fitbit Luxe last Black Friday to a Charge 6 and I see this year that the Versa 4 is but I saw that this one is 40% off! It is a bit bigger but has many more features.

I wrote a blog a long time ago about the benefits of measuring your steps. You can check it out HERE

I also wrote a blog on the WHY you should start a walking program today. Check that out HERE

Get more cush for your tush!

Exercise mat black friday deal

Yoga mats are nice so you don’t slip but for Pilates and Strength workouts you really want some padding and I love this mat I found on Amazon. I have almost all of the colors now!

This one I found is 1/2″ thick and comes in some fun colors and it’s 58% off for Black Friday. You’d could pick up 2!

A blast from the past!

Exercise equipment deal for black friday

Remember Step Aerobics? Great way to get a fun workout. I have 2 on the Be Healthy Enough Digital Fitness Studio 30 Minute Step HIIT or 30 Minute Step Cardio

I also use the step in my strength workouts to improve walking Full Body Strength to Improve Walking Level 1, Full Body Strength to Improve Walking Level 2 and Full Body Strength to Improve Walking Level 3

I don’t have this step but WOW I might get another one because it’s such a great deal

Crowd In the good stuff

kitchen appliance black friday

A smoothie is one of the best ways to “crowd in” a bunch of really good stuff.

My basic recipe is water, a handful of greens, some healthy fats (nut butter, greek yogurt, avocado), some berries for sweetness and I add in some of my favorite protein powder

I have a Vitamix but I didn’t see any deals…yet. These are amazing but can be expensive

The Nutribullet is on sale and I love that they have the combo so you make personalized smoothies in their own container.

Recovery days are key

massage gun deal for black friday

Recovery Days are just as important as exercise days and I love my percussive massage gun.

I’d love to have the time and money to get a massage every week but with this I don’t need it. It really helps me with recovery and any of those over 50 ache or pain my husband and I are dealing with. The one in the picture is no longer available but I found another with good review and similar features

Here is a blog I did on the benefits of recovery days HERE

The one I have is not on sale but this one is.