Good Eating Habits That Promote Your Health

Sadly, many people neglect their health by not eating a balanced diet and not participating in any sort of workout activity. These negative habits may lead to many health problems, such as obesity, high blood pressure, and diabetes.
Nutritionists and health experts often emphasize eating fruits and vegetables daily, avoiding snacking between meals, practicing regular workouts, and not eating too much fat, sugar, or salt. Many of these messages illustrate the importance of adopting healthy eating habits for overall health and well-being. Still, even with a balanced diet, your eating habits play an important role in ensuring your body gets sufficient nutrients. This discussion explores the top healthy eating habits that promote your health.
Keep Healthy Snacks On Hand
If you have no time to plan for a proper meal, having several snacks during the day can prevent you from grabbing anything you can find. Be considerate of what you snack on, and it would help to stay away from processed snacks as these may contain a lot of simple sugars, which may lead to health problems. Instead, consider healthy snacks such as frozen fruits, whole grain crackers and cereals, yogurt (not loaded with sugar), and cheese. Be sure to include slices of fruit or veggies with each snack.
When on the go, pack enough snacks in your bag. Some travel-friendly snacks include seeds, nuts, roasted chickpeas, apples, bananas, and oranges. Consider packing portions of leftover snacks into containers and store in the refrigerator for future use in the office or when traveling.
Stay Away From Distractions
Did you know that distracted eating may sabotage your health goals and lead to obesity? You may prepare a healthy diet while at work, but if you frequently keep dipping your fingers and snacking during the day, even when not hungry, it can interfere with your eating patterns.
According to a 2018 research study, half of American workers are snacking at least twice daily. The traditional lunch break is fading as more people snack in the office. Of course, this should be a concern because snacking while sitting and working can negatively impact your health. According to the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, highly distracted individuals are likely to overeat.
Despite the hustles and bustles of everyday life, it’s essential to take time to eat. You don’t have to carve out a 1-hour lunch break; even 10 minutes away from your table will ensure you’re practicing good eating habits.
Get off your phone or other activities because these may affect your hunger hormones and digestion. Usually, eating while doing other activities deviates blood from your digestive organs and comprises food breakdown. Additionally, it inhibits the release of satiety hormones, increasing your cravings and need to snack during the day.
Chew Thoroughly
Often you may mindlessly knock back a handful of snacks without thoroughly chewing. It’s important to know that digestion starts at the mouth through the release of digestive enzymes that help break down complex foods. Chewing also reduces the stress on your esophagus and enables the stomach to break down food.
Thus, chewing your food thoroughly helps in swallowing and brings forth numerous health benefits by preventing overeating which can lead to obesity.
Avoid Eating Late At Night
After dinner, resist craving sweet snacks such as chocolate and ice creams. Typically, after having a stressful day, your body may crave sweet and salty food. However, the problem with eating late at night is that it may lead to addiction and could promote weight gain.
To refrain from mindless late-night snacking, stay away from watching the TV after dinner at least or substitute your snacks with herbal tea or slices of fruits and veggies.
Incorporate A Wide Range Of Healthy Foods
Including a wide range of nutrient-rich foods such as fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and carbohydrates can help ensure your body gets all the essential nutrients. A varied diet should contain all the essential vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients for good health. For instance, fruits and vegetables are good sources of antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals, while whole-grain foods provide complex carbohydrates and fiber.
On the other hand, lean proteins such as fish, legumes, and chicken provide essential amino acids and support muscle repair and growth.
Ensure you’re getting the complete nutrition benefits of your meals by planning and taking time to eat. Your food habits are influenced mainly by what’s happening around you. Whether you’re working remotely at home, working at the office, or watching TV, these behaviors can develop into habits. Be focused and mindful when choosing what and when to eat. Above all, stay away from distractions, chew thoroughly, and have scheduled times when you eat.
For more fitness and nutrition advice in your 50s and beyond, make sure to read the articles from Be Healthy Enough’s Healthy Tips.
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Content written by Steven Murray